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freight operation中文是什么意思

用"freight operation"造句"freight operation"怎么读"freight operation" in a sentence


  • 装货业务


  • Answer 23 : hongqiao passenger railway station does not conduct freight operation
  • Realization of algorithm on assistant decision - making system for railway daily plan of freight operation
  • During the year , orion shipping forwarding limited " orion " , one of the leading export freight forwarders in the united kingdom , joined kerry logistics growing network of freight operation
    于年度内,英国知名出口货运公司orion shipping forwarding limited orion成为嘉里物流网络一员。
  • A freight operations manager of the kowloon - canton railway corporation kcrc was sentenced to four years imprisonment for accepting bribes of 110 , 000 renminbi and 97 , 500 to facilitate freight smugg
用"freight operation"造句  
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